Thursday, February 18, 2016

Single Mom | Seasonal Work

Crossroads Ministry helps a variety of persons in the Estes Valley. Some, like the elderly or persons with disabilities who struggle to make ends meet on low fixed incomes, receive limited ongoing assistance. Others, like the temporarily unemployed or families in immediate crisis, receive short-term or occasional assistance.

Crossroads Ministry received the following letter of appreciation in early February 2016, from a client who has received temporary assistance on occasion through the past few years. The letter has been edited slightly for length and clarity (and to preserve anonymity), but otherwise is entirely in the words of its author.

February 2016

I am a single mother, and I’ve been employed at [a local restaurant] for four years now. But it’s seasonal (May–Oct.). During those months, I pay two months of rent at a time ($1,500), to get me through the winter. Usually, I pick up a part-time job to get through the winter.

At the beginning of the school year, end of my season, I was working lots of hours, 10 am–10 pm seven days a week, trying to get all the hours I could. Those hours pretty much cut my time with my son to an hour in the morning and an hour break to pick him up from school – two hours a day if I was lucky, because he was in bed by the time I got home.

I then realized how out of control my six-year-old was becoming at school with his teachers – not acceptable behavior whatsoever! So I made the decision to not look for a part-time job and to focus all my attention on re-raising my son. I had to buckle down and re-teach him respect, responsibility, accountability. It’s been hard work, but [with the help of] a small, dedicated group of teachers, I got my model child back J.

In the meantime, I have barely kept enough food on the table and unfortunately my electric bill has been put off and put off. Last I was able to pay was $100 in December. I’m kind of a prideful single mom. I work my butt off for what I have and promised myself many years ago I would make sacrifices before getting assistance.

Part-time job starts next month, and with the end result of how proud of my son I am every day with all his hard work and commitment, it was worth it. Even if I don’t get the assistance I’ll put away what I can when I can.

What I gained is a little more respect for myself as a mother to know when it’s time to do what’s best for my son. That’s all, thanks for at least hearing my story.

In addition to helping arrange for this single mother to get assistance with her electric bill, Crossroads Ministry eased this family’s present burden by providing short-term assistance with groceries from our pantry.

When you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. 
–Luke 14:13–14 (NRSV)

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